Hi there!
Just a note to let anybody who stumbles on to this website know what's up. I am somebody who loves to try new products and new concepts. I decided to incorporate Twitter with a blog to have somewhere for people to go to and read my reviews. It's that simple.
To somebody who isn't on twitter and just reads the site I am quite sure this will look like the rantings of a crazy man! I am sorry but at this point I am not going to be arranging the products in any specific order, and also at this point I am not going to be using any format for a rating system. This is all subject to change if there is enough people who actually read my reviews!
Please remember that reviews are subjective. People have different opinions and tastes, just like we are all genetically different. Please let me know if you agree or disagree with a product that I try out and we can discuss the pro's and con's together! I wish for this to be a friendly community spot where people can share their experiences with any product imaginable and save some people money by not buying something that they might not like. I also want to make it easier for people to do some research on something they might find interesting! The key word here is interaction, and something I greatly look forward to.
Thanks for stopping by, and let me know what you think:)
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